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Data Simplicity

Get real value and actionable insight out of your data. No matter what type or where, we can help.

Data is everywhere

We make understanding it easy

Data Science

Advanced analytics and machine learning isn't just for the big players. Gain a competitive advantage by leveraging data science techniques to automatically find patterns, anomalies and segment your data.

Data Engineering

The right data isn't always available, up to date, clean, or usable. Streamline and enrich your data with web scraping, API integrations, synthetic data generation and feature engineering.

Computer Vision

Drones, satellites, and mobile devices are affordable, scalable solutions combined with machine learning and computer vision for image segmentation, object detection and classification.

Dashboards and Visualisation

Get actionable insight from your data investment with clear and simple visualisations and dashboards. Specialists in the Microsoft stack and bespoke, cloud enabled, dashboards.

Data Strategy

A clear data strategy is critical for successful digital transformation. Benefit from years of hands-on experience with developing data and product strategy, and delivery at scale.


Harness the scalability, security, and cost savings of the cloud. Experts in deploying AI services, serverless infrastructure, ML pipelines and databases in AWS, Azure and GCP.

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